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Sending an email can be an expensive - in terms of time - operation, for example because it relies on SMTP and the connection could take several seconds.
For this reason you can put the job in the background through a queue, so the API endpoint will be faster and the operation will be not blocking.

To get started, you can follow the official Laravel documentation to understand how to configure your preferred driver, such as your database, Redis, Amazon SQS or Beanstalkd.

Then start your queue worker:

php artisan queue:work

Worker daemon

Be sure to use a service such as Supervisor to keep your worker up and to correctly restart your worker on deploy with php artisan queue:restart.
Read more here: Queue Workers & Deployments.


To tell MailCarrier that an email should be enqueued you can pass the enqueue: true parameter to the API endpoint.

  "enqueue": true,
  "recipient": "",
  "subject": "Queue? Yes, please!",
  "template": "default"

If you want to enforce that every email must be enqueued you can do it by setting the MAILCARRIER_FORCE_QUEUE to true.


Or, eventually, force it in your config/mailcarrier.php configuration file under the queue.force key.

'queue' => [
    // ... Other keys

    | Force email queue
    | Force email to be always enqueued.
    | If true, the `enqueued` boolean of the API endpoint will be ignored.
    'force' => true,

    // ... Other keys

If, on the other side, you don't want at all emails to be enqueued (why, though?) you can set the queue.enabled key to false.

'queue' => [
    | Emails queue
    | Allow emails to be enqueued.
    'enabled' => false,

    // ... Other keys


Failed emails will be saved in the queue and retried after specific, fixed, range of times.
Since the error could be caused by a misconfiguration or a temporarily issue in your email provider, these values should cover every possible issue and allows you to fix it.

After the 6th attempt the email will be discarded and there will be no way to retry them.

  1. (First retry) After 5 seconds
  2. After 30 seconds
  3. After 1 minute
  4. After 5 minutes
  5. After 30 minutes
  6. After 1 hour