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When something goes wrong, for example a variable is not found, MailCarrier throws an exception specific for that error.
Thanks to Laravel error handling you can intercept them and do whatever you want, for example you could intercept the failure of sending emails and log it on Discord.

Open your app/Exceptions/Handler.php and inside the register() method let's the use reportable() hook. Inside that callback you can pass the Exceptions that you want to intercept, in this case SendingFailedException.

Inside every MailCarrier exception you will have a (nullable) log property where you can access the details of the event. In this case we're going to use the trigger field to understand what's the service to notify.
With this info and the Http client of Laravel we'll fire a Discord webhook.

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http;
use MailCarrier\Exceptions\SendingFailedException;

$this->reportable(function (SendingFailedException $e) {
    $trigger = $e->log?->trigger ?: 'Not defined';
    $error = $e->getMessage();

    Http::post('', [
        'content' => "Something went wrong while sending a email from **{$trigger}** with error: {$error}",

Thanks to union types you can of course catch multiple exceptions within the same callback:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http;
use MailCarrier\Exceptions\MissingVariableException;
use MailCarrier\Exceptions\SendingFailedException;

$this->reportable(function (MissingVariableException|SendingFailedException $e) {
    $trigger = $e->log?->trigger ?: 'Not defined';
    $error = $e->getMessage();

    Http::post('', [
        'content' => "Something went wrong while sending a email from **{$trigger}** with error: {$error}",

If you want to catch all the MailCarrier exception you can do that as well by invoking the callback with MailCarrierException:

use MailCarrier\Exceptions\SendingFailedException;

$this->reportable(function (MailCarrierException $e) {
    // Do something here

Available Exceptions

All exceptions refers to the namespace MailCarrier\Exceptions.

AttachmentNotDownloadableExceptionThe attachment can't be downloaded (not saved anywhere). Should never happens, though.
AttachmentNotFoundExceptionThe attachment was not found on the remote disk/filesystem.
MissingVariableExceptionA required variable in the template was not provided.
SendingFailedExceptionSomething went wrong while sending the email (e.g. timeout from provider). It will catch also MissingVariableException.
SocialAuthNotEnabledExceptionThe social auth endpoint was called but the social auth is not enabled.
TemplateRenderExceptionThe template cannot be rendered.