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Running with Docker

Docker images are hosted under the mailcarrier/mailcarrier name.

docker run -e APP_KEY="base64:$(head -c 32 /dev/urandom | base64)" -p 80:80 --name mailcarrier_app mailcarrier/mailcarrier


As you may have noticed from the command above we generate a random APP_KEY (32 bytes) at every run, but this is just for testing purposes.
That key is being used to encrypt everything in MailCarrier, so you should generate a static, private random string to pass it to every container run.

echo "base64:$(head -c 32 /dev/urandom | base64)"

Then pass the given value as an env value when running your app (be sure it includes the base64: prefix):

docker run -e APP_KEY="..." -p 80:80 --name mailcarrier_app mailcarrier/mailcarrier

Creating the first user

You can leaverage the same MailCarrier commands as the classic installation to create your first user and just follow the wizard:

docker exec /bin/sh -c "php artisan mailcarrier:user"


By default MailCarrier container runs on an ephemeral SQLite instance for testing purposes. If you don't bind that database to a volume, or use a persistent classic database such as MySQL or PostgreSQL, your changes could be lost with container shutdowns.
You can find an example of the environment variables to customise the app in the .env.example file, for example to connect a database and a redis queue it would be something like:

docker run \
  -e APP_KEY=mysecretstring \
  -e DB_CONNECTION=mysql \
  -e DB_HOST=mysql_host \
  -e DB_USERNAME=mailcarrier \
  -e DB_PASSWORD=secretdbpassword \
  -e REDIS_HOST=redis_host \
  -p 80:80 \